Monday, February 28, 2011

Photocascadia and Cargo Cult Photography

 Photocascadia and Cargo Cult Photography

 We all know about bogus groups like Timecatcher, Light Harmony, and Mountain Trail Photo. They are designed to bring a group of losers together, with the hope that the various “skills” of each individual loser/liar complements and supports the entire “team”.  The other benefit is that they can write more pansy ass nonsense/bullshit about each other. It’s one thing to say “I am one of the best photographers in the world”. That catches people’s attention, and often in a bad way. But the public is usually OK with 3 or 4 losers saying they are “some of the best photographers in the world”. So these groups also help empower cowards. And the members of these “groups” are always cowards. That, or they are predatory individuals seeking to benefit from some ability the group has, such as a self-publishing ability. 

 These groups are all bullshit. Legitimate photographers don’t join forces with other photographers. The only possible outcome is that the photographers end up competing against each other. The only exception is trade associations, but those are legitimate organizations and an entirely different matter. 

 Which brings us to Photocascadia. This is the latest “me-too” bogus, fraudulent group screaming out the usual “we are some of the best blah blah blah”. Unlike legitimate groups such as, say, Magnum, Photocascadia doesn’t exist anywhere but as a delusion in the minds of its “members”. There are no offices, no assets, no substance. It’s a place where the individual members can pat each other on the back and remind readers about all the photo tours/workshops/Photoshop workflow tutorials they sell. They can also conduct bullshit, fake interviews of each other, like Photocascadia does. It’d be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. 

 Which brings us to our title, “Photocascadia and Cargo Cult Photography”. “Cargo Cult” refers largely to the interesting practices of some primitive human cultures, after coming in contact with advanced western society. In particular, the native people of the Pacific islands created cargo cults after World War II. After noticing the flow of materials and goods thru the airports, the natives built crude landing strips, aircraft, and other equipment after the war, in the hopes that the supplies would continue arriving. To this day, the term “cargo cult” refers to practices in which the adherents adopt the fixtures and language of real occupations, but there is nothing of substance underneath. It is often used to refer to dubious alternative medicine procedures. It is also highly applicable to photography. There are lots of losers out there today who will talk your head off about Nikon vs Canon, L-lenses, HDR, how digital is so much better than film, etc etc, but start talking about real composition, vision, and seeing, or whether they run legitimate businesses, and they will scurry off like vampires who’ve been hit by the sun. 

 And so it is with Photocascadia. It uses all the right jargon, the right mix of bullshit. Even has fancy pictures all over the place. But it’s nothing more than a cargo cult. There is nothing of substance here.  The losers operating this site use it to boost themselves and boost their egos. They blindly follow in the steps of other sites like Timecatcher, secretly envious of what they believe is the enormous success of the rival losers at other, similar sites. They have nothing of substance to say or contribute. No one in the public wants to hear about their pathetic hikes, their bullshit attempts at pretending to be artists, and their fake, flowery bullshit about “passion”. One day, all these sites will cease to be updated, when the losers operating them realize that no one cares. 

 Just like the Mountain Trail Photo blog, which was nothing more than a place to sound trumpets in praise of the losers who operate Mountain Trail Photo, the Photocascadia operation will surely fade into oblivion. And good riddance. We don’t need scamming, workshop selling fame-mongers like Adrian Klein or Kevin Mcneal out there. These talent-less hacks couldn’t take a real photograph to save their own lives. They think Singh-Ray filters or HDR will save their ass, but it won’t. One day, the public will laugh at groups like Photocascadia. Mark our words.

How do you spell fraud? M-E-T-T-E-R-N-I-C-H

Another look at Mark Metternich

Mark Metternich is an example of everything that wrong’s with photography today. Not that we’re implying he’s a photographer, of course. At most, he takes uninspired snapshots and proceeds to massacre them in Photoshop (OK, Adobe Camera Raw, as if that’s not Photoshop). 

 We’ve taken a quick look at this fraud before (available here) and Mark Metternich came away smelling like a sewage spill. The unending fountain of lies, deceptive statements, and fraudulent boasts on his website are an appalling contrast to the way an honest business should be run. Worse yet, his inane claim of being a Christian is a slap in the face of real believers. 

So all of us (or most of us) know that Mark Metternich is a despicable fraud and a liar. Fair enough. Most of the time, when writes about some idiot, they try to defend themselves or write a scathing reply (comment) on our blog. But not Mark Metternich. He silently continues to write gibberish and lies on his website, trying to make himself seem like A Real Pro Photographer. 

 His latest scam is what we are supposed to believe is a picture of his “office”. (here's a link). WOW! Talk about bullshit and fraud! This latest fantasy is a clear Photoshop fraud. Who has fancy curved walls (and curved prints on the wall, too, to boot (!)) in their “office? Not only that, but the shadows thrown by the fake prints are all wrong, and the so-called “print” of Punchbowl Falls (right-center) appears to be floating in mid-air. Even a casual examination of this so-called “photo” reveals all sorts of inconsistencies and rings bullshit alarms up and down the Pacific Coast. A closer, skeptical look unveils a torrent of fraudulent intent and a complete fabrication. 

This is not Mark Metternich’s office. Mark Metternich likely lives with his parents in Las Vegas. He does not have a “gallery on the strip”, either, in spite of the fake, computer-generated images on his website. He will never have a gallery or an office. Heck, this loser can’t even display a photo of a real print. Everything you see on his website is fake and a concoction of microstock interior design photos and Mark Metternich jpeg’s inserted into the appropriate spots. 

It’s time to put an end to unrepentant fraud of this nature. Call, email, or write the Clark County (Las Vegas) District Attorney’s office and ask him to look into Mark Metternich’s fraudulent operation. Among other things, point out that Mark Metternich has:

-falsely represented himself as being an experienced and renown landscape photographer.

-falsely represented himself as opening a photography gallery soon on the Las Vegas Strip.

-falsely represented himself as operating a Limited Liability Corporation for a period of time (“limited liability” might be a good idea for this fraud!)

-falsely represented himself as selling many “fine-art” limited edition prints to customers around the world.

-falsely represented concocted images on his website as photographs of actual prints hanging in “clients’” homes & offices. 

-helped destroy the public’s confidence in the photography industry.

-falsely pretended that he has employees (the “gang”)

We’re sure there’s more that Mark Metternich has done. This bozo/fraud belongs behind bars. Period. He can do nothing but harm the photography industry with his endless lies, boasts, misrepresentations, and bullshit. Call on law enforcement to end this pathetic fraud’s long history of lying and destructive behavior.

Monday, February 14, 2011 A quick look at the THUG & Pathetic Piece of Shit Miles Morgan

A look at Miles Morgan

  Miles Morgan is an example of everything that wrong’s with the photography industry today. He’s got a good job as an airline pilot but likes to “dabble” in photography. Like many of the other pieces of shit on Flickr/, he probably never even touched a camera before digital SLRs were widely available. Now, of course, he’s “suddenly” discovered a “love” for landscape photography. Of course. Same Old Story We’ve All Gotten Sick & Tired Of. 

  He is a THUG and financial terrorist whose “portfolio” is chock full of stolen compositions and images. We and other real photographers call these “trophy shots”. This THUG doesn’t take pictures because he likes photography; he does it to grab “trophy shots” and post them on Flickr/wherever so he can jerk off to the “comments & critiques”. He is a stupid piece of shit, a liar, a thief, and completely lacking in empathy, a sense of right or wrong, or shame. Unfortunately, thanks to the hundreds of similar THUGS on Flickr, he can actually be celebrated for what he does, instead of castigated. Let’s take a quick look at his website.

  Going over to the “about us” (notice the bullshit use of “us” as if there’s anything more than one LOSER running this one trick pony):

Miles Morgan’s bullshit
Our commentary
“We” are a small group of Fine Art Landscape Photographers located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest; Portland, Oregon to be more precise. By “we”, I mean “me”, and by small, I mean a group of 1.

What a bunch of pretentious, egotistical bullshit!

My father, Hank Morgan, is a successful photojournalist…
Here it is. “My daddy is a successful photographer so I deserve to be one, too!!!! Waaaah!” One thing we’re certain of. Hank Morgan doesn’t run around, stealing the photos of other photojournalists. We’re sure that Hank is deeply ashamed by his son’s abominable behavior.
…but I never took the time to learn anything about them.
‘Course not. Hank Morgan probably used film cameras at that time. No THUG or LOSER is going to bother with film! Just “too limiting” for their “HDR visions”. (laughter).
It wasn’t unti l April 2009 that I decided that I wanted to try my hand at landscape photography.
He probably found out that Ryan Dyar pretended to be a photographer at this time, while buying his drugs from Ryan.
After a short period of time, I was hooked, and have been trying hard to hone my skills in both the field and in Photoshop to produce images that are pleasing.
Whatever. The only “skills” Miles Morgan has tried to hone is the ability to completely copy (steal) other people’s images.
The greatest gift that photography has given me is the return to nature that I was definitely missing in my life.
Bullshit LIE. If Miles Morgan enjoys nature, he can take a walk in the woods, like normal people. What he was missing was all the “comments and critiques” that his LOSER buddies were getting on Flickr. Obviously, he can’t actually say that, though.
I have seen enough stunning scenes during my brief stint as a landscape photographer to last a lifetime, and hopefully my images will allow you to enjoy them with me.
Miles Morgan is a THUG & a THIEF, not a landscape photographer. And the only “stunning scenes” he witnessed were the ones he created in Photoshop.
While I do love photography…

LIE! Miles Morgan doesn’t love photography, and neither do any of the other THUGS & MORONS like him. He just loves all the “comments and critiques” he gets on Flickr.

…I won’t be quitting my day job anytime soon.
Of course he won’t. He needs the ample income from his day job to subsidize the terrorism he commits against the photography industry (stealing images, selling them at absurdly low rates or just giving them away, etc etc)
I’m presently a captain at United Airlines, and have been a professional pilot for 17 years.
Yep. See above. Use his day job to destroy the careers of REAL photographers.
My philosophy of photography as art might be a little jarring to the purist…
Miles Morgan doesn’t have a “philosophy” of photography, except to “Photoshop the Heck” out of each and every stolen composition.
…but I simply don’t have the free time to devote to always waiting for the perfect light at an epic location…
Of course not. Instead of spending his free time with his wife or children, this piece of shit runs around the country, stealing images, lusting for fame, and jerking off to “comments and critiques” on Flickr.
…so sometimes I rely on blending exposures and other Photoshop trickery to maximize my chances of coming away from my shoots with a few “keepers”.
So he’s basically admitting that at least some of his images are Photoshopped fakes. Nice.  
Thanks  very much for stopping by my website, I certainly hope you enjoy looking at a few of my images as much as I enjoyed making them.
They’re not your images, Idiot. Most everything on this THUG’s website is stolen from some other photographer. You should be ashamed of yourself, if you had any shame to begin with.

Miles Morgan is nothing but a despicable thief, a coward, and a selfish cretin who is so obsessed with fame and fortune that he neglects his family to chase delusions of photographic fame. He’s a self-entitled idiot who thinks he deserves to be a famous photographer because his daddy is a photojournalist. If you make the mistake of purchasing anything from his website, you are in possession of stolen property. Nearly his entire website is filled with stolen images and “trophy shots”. There is no art or vision here. There is nothing but the delusions of a maniac who wants to be famous. Avoid this cretin and tell everyone you know that Miles Morgan is a thief and a LIAR!