Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Microstock shithead of the week: Travis Manley

Travis Manley: shithead, loser, LIAR

Here’s another imbecile we ran across recently: Travis Manley. He’s one of those cretins who sells images for 25 cents on sites like Dreamstime and then goes ahead and calls himself a professional photographer. Note the fascination/obsession with calling oneself a professional photographer, again. It’s as if being a professional photographer is some sort of exceedinly noble occupation, like saving the or curing cancer.

Anyway, let’s get something out of the way first: this loser is NOT a professional photographer of any sort. Any photographer worth his salt doesn’t throw away images for 25 cents on loser sites like dreamstime. That’s what losers who live with their parents, and losers who have other jobs, do (like Miles Morgan, for example). 

You need to keep in mind that there are probably fewer than 10 people in the entire world making a living from microstock photography. That number alone should have you scratching your head and wondering about the sustainability of this “business” model. Most of these losers have an almost religiously fanatical attachment to microstock photography, due to the brainwashing by the site administrators. They will defend selling their images for 25 cents as if it’s the most noble thing in the entire world. That’s why there are so very few full-time microstock shooters in the world. Most people who have to work for a living aren’t stupid enough to assign such a low value to their own work. That’s also why microstock is full of stolen images copied from other, real photographers. Anyone who needs to go thru the entire process of taking a worthwhile image, only to get a quarter for it, would quickly switch gears and seek out a fairer price model.

Now Travis Manley has all the markings of a loser who has another job on the side (even though he denies this). Yeah, whatever. These losers love pretending they’re full time photographers. A quick look at his stats shows the impossibility of this claim. With about 3000 images and about 1 download per image, he’d have to be making at least 10 dollars per image, per year, to even make a reasonable attempt at a living. Yet dreamstime “subscribers” can literally download an image for as little as 25 cents.
What disgusts us about LOSERS like Travis Manley is the never-ending stream of lies. They can never be honest with themselves, or the public. They keep spewing self-serving, insulting lies about themselves. The internet has allowed many sociopaths to go online and create alternate realities in which they are the best photographer in the world (Marc Adamus), great artists (Miles Morgan, Ryan Dyar), have galleries on the Las Vegas Strip (Mark Metternich), and so on and so forth. None of these claims are true. Any claim you find online needs to be carefully vetted, lest you be robbed by one of these pieces of shit. You will continue to find honest appraisals at sites like Loserphotographers.com and Marc Adamus LIES 2.0, run by administrators which aren’t afraid of political correctdness and have nothing to gain by hiding the truth.

Miles Morgan (shithead, thief, and parasite supreme) has ignored the Miles Morgan Ultimatum; the next steps.

The next steps for Miles Morgan.

 As you all know, Miles Morgan is a thief, a copyright violator, and completely lacking in shame or critical self-evaluation. You can see more about that here. He has stolen the images of other photographers, meaning to emulate the composition and style of these photographers as closely as possible (a copyright violation and a violation of common courtesy). One of these photographers is Marc Adamus. Now, Marc Adamus is a coward who refuses to protect his copyright. Why? Marc sells a ton of bogus photo tours, which provide a great deal of his income. He’s afraid that if he enforces his copyright, sales of photo tours will dwindle. 

 Anyway, you probably know all that already. Which brings us to the Miles Morgan Ultimatum (available here). We gave Miles Morgan 10 days to remove stolen images from Getty microstock and stop selling prints on his website. Predictably, he ignored us. That’s not surprising. When push comes to shove, many of the scum we write about here quietly continue doing whatever they were doing that drew our attention, and hoping that we’ll just go away. 

But we promised pain & suffering for Miles Morgan, and we intend to deliver. The main driver behind Miles Morgan’ ability to steal other peoples’ work and throw it away for pennies is his well-paying job. Now, like most assholes, Miles Morgan has no problem drawing 6 figures from his line of work, while doing everything possible to undermine someone else’s line of work. Such is hypocrisy and lack of empathy. Go try telling Miles to start working for, say, $16,000 (about 10% of what he probably earns now) a year. He’ll look at you as if you’re crazy. But he’s got no problem stealing someone else’s images and throwing them away for 10% or less of what they originally cost. 

So Miles Morgan needs to lose his cushy job at United Airlines. That will deliver a solid lesson to this scum and piece of shit. It will teach him to respect other peoples’ jobs and careers. With that in mind, the next week will see new websites launched to deal with Miles Morgan and United Airlines. It’s time for the whole public to know about this imbecile.