Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the Loser Photographers Blog!

Welcome to the Blog!
Great to have our readers here. We do know that many of those readers will be the THUGS & LOSERS profiled here. After all, there’s nothing like Internet embarrassment to get these tools slithering over for a quick read.
What is the purpose of the Blog?
Unlike, which focuses mainly on the fraud and lies of one “photographer”, we plan to profile many of the tools/idiots we run across on the Internet here.  Losers such as Mark Metternich (we have a great deal to say about him), Steve Sieren, Stephen Penland (of course) <insert link to blog…., the idiots we run across/photograph when we’re out and about, stories and information about the damage done to photography by loser amateurs, and some satire, to lighten the mood  (occasionally). In spite of the fact that piece of shit amateurs are crashing the photography industry with great haste, there is still time for laughter.

Our very first feature, a only partially satirical article entitled Setting up Your own Fake Photography Business, Parts 1 & 2, will be published in a few days. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, visit our homepage at


  1. Hahaaha.... fucking loosers. If you are a professional and can´t make better photographs than so called loosers... then I am sorry for you. I hope you starve to death. And no, I have nothing to do with this guys you hate so much. Loosers like you deserves to rotten in hell....

    HHAHAHAHAHAH.... what a patetic site!

  2. Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
