Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breaking news! Blog is back in action! Blog is back!

 Since April 2011, many have probably thought that Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 and the Blog were finished. We don't blame you. In fact, we thought we were done, too. Bear in mind that we have received multiple death threats and threats of bodily harm, as well as wild speculation as to our identities. The threats are visible right here on this blog, for anyone to read. The threats have all been published, but for obvious reasons, any posts seeking to "identify" the purported individuals behind this blog have not been approved. We're sure the THUGS & MORONS understand.

 Anyway, after much reflection, the decision was made to continue Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 and Blog. There's simply too much lying and fraud out there! THUGS & SCUM who have been previously profiled are simply chomping at the bit to make up boasts about themselves and their buddies. They haven't stopped their campaign of lies at all. We've decided that the risk is worth it; we're back!

 We look forward to taking the next couple weeks to get back into the swing of things and go back to what we do best: reporting on the LIES & inventions of Marc Adamus and his THUG buddies.

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