Steve Sieren is a LIAR, a LOSER, and a general piece of shit. Why do we say that? It’s OK to mess around with photography and try to sell some stuff, and even become pro if you’re good, but Stevie really makes his money selling bullshit workshops & photo tours. Workshops/photo tours are a scam that is bleeding the photography world dry. Fat old losers, or skinny losers (Miles Morgan) jerk off to Flickr “comments & critiques and think that buying a “workshop” or “photo tour” from LIARS like Steve Sieren will let them tap into that treasure trove of comments & critiques.
However, once they’ve put $6000 into their 5d mark II and lenses, they always desire to “sell” some photography to justify their insane expenditures. It doesn’t mean they need to make $4000 a month from photography. 25 cents an image will do just fine (Travis Manley, anyone?). And that’s where the damage comes from. Bear in mind that scumbag Miles Morgan, who tried to sell images taken with his $6000 of equipment for pennies on microstock, got his start in comment/critique addiction by taking a NW Photo Tours workshop, run by those fine scammers Adrian Klein and Kevin Mcneal, two of the biggest pieces of shit you’ll ever run across. You know, the sort that act friendly and smile at your face while stabbing you in your back with a graduated, neutral density dagger.
So anyway, Steve Sieren knows that selling workshops is his real bread & butter, so he busily creates lies and myths to help him look like a Really Big Thing in the photography world. One of those things is being a filthy shill for Nik software. Another, which we will talk about here, is writing this bullshit “Visualization Before a Trip Into the Mountains” blog post. Here is the image that he supposedly created, to give God a clue as to What Steve Expected when he rushed out to the Wilderness:
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The Steve Sieren Pre-Visualization, or what you're supposed to believe is a pre-visualization. |
Apart from resizing it to better fit this blog, it is unedited. Anyway, the idea here was that Steve sketched all this out before he went somewhere, to either imply clairvoyance, scientific flexibility, or possibly both. But he didn’t really sketch it all at home. It turns out that a lot of the text and sketch was added in Photoshop. Nothing about these turds surprises us anymore, but Stevie should have really been an honest loser and admitted that he messed with the sketch after his “vision” didn’t come to fruition when he went there.
What really happened is that he sketched about 70% (pardon the pun) of it at home, thinking it would turn out Exactly As Steve Foresaw, but when he rushed out there, heaven forbid! God didn’t listen to Stevie’s witchcraft and give Him the light He desired. So Stevie limped back home with his boring images and added plan “A” after the fact. Usually, plan A comes first, but in Steve Sieren’s world, it is added when Plan “B” doesn’t work out.Take a look:
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A closer, zoomed-in look at Steve Sieren's "vision" |
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Another look at the section in question. |
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Steve Sieren added the items in red after he came back from his trip. Click for larger version. |
Since we understand that Steve has desires that he won’t share in a public venue, here’s a skillfully obtained copy of what Steve really wanted to write:
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What Steve Sieren really thinks about "pre-visualization". Click for larger version. |
Now there’s a plan! Honestly, we wouldn’t make this version public either, if we were Steve.