Thursday, September 22, 2011

THUG of the day: Adam Adkins “I work so hard for this photo to get 3 thumbs up!”

THUG of the day: Adam Adkins

Many THUGS & MORONS get their start on sites like, where a willing group of like-minded LOSERS wait eagerly to endow “three thumbs up” (3TU) on practically any image that passes by. Images that are copies (ie, stolen/copyright violations) of professionals’ images are guaranteed 3TU’s. 

That sort of brings us to the IDIOT Adam Adkins. A nerd/dweeb office worker in real life, in an alternate reality, he thinks he’s a passionate landscape photographer. He’s got his own website, called “Adam’s Photographs”, where he waxes “poetic” about his enormous “passion” for photography. Lots of lies on this website, and a list of his $6000 of photography equipment (you know, his “pedigree”). Almost all of his images are rather mundane, despite the website bullshit about “climbing to the top of mountains during lightning storms and blizzards”. More LIES on his “PRINT SALES” page, including this howler: “*Can be printed at virtually ANY sized comprehensible!”
When I was done laughing, I read more of his crap and realized that this idiot fancied himself quite the writer (like most of the THUGS & MORONS). Yet, the entire site is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. 

Now that we’ve introduced this tool, let’s move on to Photosig. He recently posted one of his lame photos on photosig (here), and it didn’t do too well. Only one “3TU”, and this upset poor Adam, you see. Take a look at his response to the only 3TU:

Thank you Oleg, thank you! I got up so early and drove so far and worked so hard for this photo – I was hoping it would be worth at least 3TU!

(Let me also note that the lone 3TU “critique” was written by another perennial Photosig THUG who only visits the same clichéd locations in search of that drug-like “comment & critique” high.)

There you have it. As we’ve said before, these LOSERS who pick up cameras today are no better than drug addicts. They crave the praise from their fellow imbeciles the way a crack addict craves the pipe. Addiction to “comments & critiques” is a mental disorder, nothing less. Only a mental disorder would drive idiots to spend thousands of dollars in search of positive reinforcement from fellow scumbags. Worse, in their search for a drug fix, their actions damage the legitimate, income-earning, tax-paying professional photographers who pay their bills with photography & print sales. 

Cursed be vain imbeciles like Adam Adkins who only pursue photography for the promise of fame, praise, or recognition. Their insane desire for recognition destroys American jobs and leaves us all worse off.  

Imbecile Adam Adkins in all his fame-whoring glory, as seen on

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