Thursday, March 10, 2011

If something in your neighbor’s yard wasn’t chained down, would you just go ahead and steal it? Why image theft & copyright violation is exactly the same, and why LOSERS just don’t care.

Theft and copyright violation: the same thing.

 Suppose your neighbor had a really nice bike lying on his lawn. It wasn’t chained down. You know it’s his, as does everyone else. No one tries to take it. Everyone figures that it’s his bike, we’re all honest here, and no one is going to run away with it.

 Then some THUG drives or walks by, and sees the bike. More importantly, he sees that it isn’t chained down. Within 60 seconds, the bike has been appropriated and is now in the possession of this thief. 

 Fundamentally, this is no different from a thieving amateur like Miles Morgan who appropriates the compositions of photographers he found online or in a magazine. Just because some image isn’t chained down and guarded by lawyers, doesn’t mean you can just go ahead and steal it.

 The fact that these LOSERS cannot bring themselves to respect the intellectual property of others portrays the fundamental dishonesty that we’re dealing with. Now, we’re not saying that Miles Morgan would have also stolen the bike in the example above. Maybe he would have, and maybe he wouldn’t. What we are saying is that these idiots have created a fantasy in which photography is not afforded the same protection any other property is. They believe this mostly because they rely on the vision of real photographers to fill their own portfolios with stolen goods.

 Compositions are other photographic concepts are every bit the property of the creating artist, just like a bike belongs to the person who paid for it and owns it. This is in direct agreement with US and International copyright law and IP agreements. Those who ignore these conventions are dishonest, liars, ignorant and financial terrorists. If we started to write about these LOSERS today and wrote about them every day, we might be finished sometime next year. Yep, there are a lot of dishonest frauds out there today. Here are just a couple names to beware of:

Ryan Dyar
Miles Morgan
Chris Moore MD
Kevin Mcneal
Adrian Klein
Kevin Pieper
Bryan Swan

 If we didn’t stop here, the list could go on forever. You can find them on Flickr,,,, and other similar locations. They are SCUM and deserve to pay millions in reparations to the photographers they stole images from. Beware of these cretins, and have nothing to do with them. 

The fact that image/composition theft is not considered dishonest among amateur LOSERS is an example of the fundamentally dishonest people that real professional photographers are pitted against. Words alone will not do the job here. You must take proactive steps to secure your rights, before they’re ripped right from your hands and assigned to someone else. Do the right thing; chain your images down!


  1. You're the scum, you sack-less cunt. Get a life, and grow the fuck up. It will be a glorious day when you are exposed and the world pisses on your shameless face and defecates on your shallow grave.

  2. Wow. Can you actually answer the question asked in this post? Nah, guess not. How could you possibly defend your theft?
